Align-GVGD is a free service offered to the scientific community.
Extracts of the information in the web site may be reviewed, reproduced or translated for research or private study but may not be sold or used in conjunction with commercial purposes, and provided any use is subject to an appropriate acknowledgement of the source.
When using Align-GVGD, authors should refer to the following publication:
Tavtigian SV, Deffenbaugh AM, Yin L, Judkins T, Scholl T, Samollow PB, de Silva D, Zharkikh A, Thomas A.
"Comprehensive statistical study of 452 BRCA1 missense substitutions with classification of eight recurrent substitutions as neutral."
J Med Genet. 2005 Jul 13;43(4):295-305
The data and information contained herein and in the results of Align-GVGD are provided on an ''as is'' basis and HCI/UofU makes no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, as to their accuracy, completeness or suitability for a particular purpose. Similarly, HCI/UofU makes no representations or warranties with regard to the non-infringement of third party proprietary rights. Thus, HCI/UofU does not accept any responsibility or liability with regard to the reliance on, and/or use of, such data and information.
Extracts of the information in the web site may be reviewed, reproduced or translated for research or private study but may not be sold or used in conjunction with commercial purposes, and provided any use is subject to an appropriate acknowledgement of the source.
When using Align-GVGD, authors should refer to the following publication:
Tavtigian SV, Deffenbaugh AM, Yin L, Judkins T, Scholl T, Samollow PB, de Silva D, Zharkikh A, Thomas A.
"Comprehensive statistical study of 452 BRCA1 missense substitutions with classification of eight recurrent substitutions as neutral."
J Med Genet. 2005 Jul 13;43(4):295-305
The data and information contained herein and in the results of Align-GVGD are provided on an ''as is'' basis and HCI/UofU makes no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, as to their accuracy, completeness or suitability for a particular purpose. Similarly, HCI/UofU makes no representations or warranties with regard to the non-infringement of third party proprietary rights. Thus, HCI/UofU does not accept any responsibility or liability with regard to the reliance on, and/or use of, such data and information.